Friday, 26 December 2008


had a really fun time last night at jovie's house.
there were soccer players, old man, stupid boy, minnie mouse, a fat superman,
secondary school students and some ridiculous looking couple..
the food was good and the company was great.

lookng back at this past year,
April - went bangkok with boon, kopi, bao, fei, pamela, shihui, debbie
May - duty on my birthday..zzzz..
June - went for Policing course in Police Academy
July - went bangkok again with dehong.
August - AHM run..
October - overseas attachment to Queensland, Australia.
December - going bangkok..yea..again...hahaha..

seems like i start the year in bangkok and end it in bangkok..haha
i had a really fun year in 2008, living my life to the fullest, i suppose.

but the world wasn't doing so well.
hit by the sub-prime crisis, the whole world is in recession.
some people even comparing it to the great depression.
banks after banks fallen. companies after companies collapsed.
had never thought that recession could affect people.
afterall, i was still schooling during the last recession.
we had seen how china has its up and downs all within one year.
india being attacked by terrorists, bangkok airport being close down.
there were so much unrest all over the world.
i'm not a fan of world peace but hope all this will be over soon.

looking forward to 2009, hope i can get post out.
seriously need a change of environment, change of lifestyle.
let's embrace 2009 with hope, peace and love...(this is so miss world script)

goodbye singapore..hello bangkok..

Sunday, 21 December 2008

my christmas present

My new gadget..

it's a beauty...

Monday, 8 December 2008


沒人的房子裡 顯得特別安靜
不開燈的房間 讓人看不見
一個人的心跳 掩蓋了這寧靜
好不容易忘記 又突然想起
為什麼在這時 浮現的是你影子
放棄的原因 比誰都了解
心中的傷痕 不會為你而愈合

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Oops, i did it again

yea, i did it again..
drunk and feeling the effects..
shit, shouldn't have drank so much.
i'm alright, just feeling a little restless.
couldn't exactly piece together what i did last night,
or what happen last night.
all i know is i was everywhere and finally home.
had never crave for my bed so much.
hey, at least i didn't dirty the cab k..
wonder how am i going to survive my 8 nights in bangkok.
god bless.....