Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Michael Jackson 1958 - 2009

Goodbye King of Pop...
Too much have been said.
His pictures hogged every newspaper headlines,
His stories, his life has always been that way, isn't it?
No matter how much scandals or how many negatives about him,
The fact is, he will always be the best performer the world would ever see.
His personal life may be in a mess but who could blame him.
He shot to fame overnight and before he know it, the press was all over him.
Everywhere he goes, everything he does was under the eyes of everybody.
Some say he was killed by the media.
Well, i chose to remember him as the best performer on stage and one person
who changes the face of music.
I guess it has always been a long lonely road to super stardom...
There will never be another Michael Jackson..
Rest In Peace Mike.....

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

開始跑得太快, 後面就後續無力.
開始跑得太慢, 後面就得追著時間跑.
唯有適當的步伐, 省力, 呼吸才能跑得遠.
看不到終點, 也就看不到未來.
沒了未來, 哪來的目標, 理想.
只要耐心的前進, 目的地就在不遠處.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Weekend getaway

It was a great weekend getaway from the troubled waters of Singapore.
Certainly an enjoyable trip with the closest people in your life besides your family.
Somehow or rather it did not exactly matched up to our anticipation with many of the facilities
were not available. Luckily, our stomach did not have to suffer after we were treated with
a spread of seafood feast on our last night.
The most important of all, the fun was great, the company was excellent. That's all you need.
Even without the games or how remote the resort was, nothing was in the way of boozing and
enjoying the trip.

Thursday, 4 June 2009


It's amazing how things change so quickly. 2 years ago, i was still dreading to run, forcing myself
for the sake of staying fit. But now, it has almost become an addict. An addict which i need to get my fix every week. Running is not such a chore now. I enjoy my runs now and can't wait to hit it to the roads. Never thought i would be training for marathons. Could still remember this time last year, i was still counting myself lucky when i do not have to do the AHM. This year, however, i have already registered for the 21km event. And come December, 42km awaits.
Running events excites me, not only because of the goodie bag of course, but also the joy of running on the roads of singapore. Well, this second half of year will be exciting, at least
something to look forward to amist the long runs.

16 Aug - Army Half Marathon / Singapore Bay Run (21km)
13 Sep - Mizuno Wave Run (10km)
18 Oct - New Balance Real Run (10km)
6 Dec - Standard Chartered (42km)

These are just some of the confirmed events. Others such as NUS run, Nike run dates have not
been fixed yet. It seems time for another dose of adrenaline....