Saturday, 24 December 2011

As 2011 coming to an end, I ponder upon the past year events.
2012 is going to be different, that is for sure.
I just hope things could go a bit smoother.
Life as it is, never go smoothly according to plans.
But I will get there, some way or another.

Life is about doing what you love and enjoying every part of it.
Making it happen takes time and effort but it's going to be all worth it.
Merry Christmas everybody..

Sunday, 11 December 2011

This could be the umpteen times I had probably said but time really flies.
It has been 3 months since I last wrote.
Besides being jobless for the first time in 7 years, I also suffered my worst injury of my life.
The road to recovery was long so is the road of starting afresh.
There are many things in life which you would never foresee no matter how much you have planned.
This could be the hardest time of my life but I believe, in difficulties makes miracles.
When the clouds are gone, the sun will shine again.
Can't wait for things to move on and my life to get started again.

I appreciate those who are concerned about me even though they did not ask.
For those who are following me on this blog, thank you for being a silent listening ear.
Although I had no idea who you people are, but I'm sure you are the ones that care about me most.

That's why life is worth living for.

Saturday, 10 September 2011



Monday, 22 August 2011

時光飛逝, 多兩個禮拜我就正式離開國防部。


Thursday, 23 June 2011

Long time since I last wrote.
It has been an agonizing last month.
I can't seem to understand the rationale behind the decisions made by the higher management these days.
I would have been taken in a year ago but not now.
No way I am going to boast your statistics because of your ridiculous reason.
This is the time when you see the true colours of an organisation and your worth.
It is disheartening to leave in such a manner.
Somehow, these events made me more determined to leave and succeed.
I had never bear thoughts of hatred towards the hand that feed me.
However, these 2 weeks have seen this hand started to slap me for their self-centered targets.
All they ever care was their numbers and goals. Where is the humanity?
Pardon me, if this is the extent you are going to push me, then this will be the extent I am going for.
Do not push a dog to the wall, because it will turn around and bite you.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Taking a big step

As time march towards the end of May, the date gets closer.
I'm getting plenty of mixed feelings.
These 7 years were great experience to me.
I met many people, know most of them and hate some of them.
So, I asked myself, what have I learn during my time in service?
I learn that striving hard and sticking to your principles get you nowhere.
In the end, we are just merely taking instructions from a higher order.
Why succumb to the hands of hierarchy when you have a choice in life?

For the past 1 year, I opened my eyes.
I start to realize that many of my beliefs are drifting away.
In this reality, climbing up the ladder requires more than just strength.
There were times when I thought I could persevere to the end, but it seems that the time has passed.
No longer do I harbor any thoughts of staying.
I could never understand in a non-profitable organization, there are so much struggle for power.
Sad to say, it was not my cup of tea.
My choice to leave at this point of time is not to escape but to forsake the belief I held so strongly.

Friday, 22 April 2011

我沒後悔加入因為這讓我理解, 讓我看清了很多事物。
在國軍的這7年, 我深深地了解穿著軍服的公務員的意思。


雖然說這在很多大公司也會發生, 但我始終無發接受這種作法。


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

4 more months and i'm done.
It's time to move on when there are no more passion left.
I used to be proud of uniform I don. I still do but it no longer feels the same as before.
You realised that the ideals and goals are no longer worth going after.
Afterall, one person's strength will not be enough to change the whole system.
Ability and performance are no longer the only elements to move forward.
Or shall I say, it has never been that way.
Bosses are important. They decide your career pathway.
But how many cherish the talents they have and nurture them.
Most care only about their positions, who do truly cares for those under them?
An inspiring commander inspires people, a commander who treats his men with his heart wins respect.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

More often than not, we found ourselves lost in the transition of time.
Before we realize it, 28 year have gone by.
It seems that looking for that modus operandi in life was never that simple.
Changes has always been inevitable, whether for good or bad.
But life reaches a certain period when enough is enough.
No matter how much passion you have, there are just no more reasons to stay on.
5 more months and somehow it seems forever.
You have been kind to me but seriously no way I can work for you.
Nevertheless, I thanked you for pushing me out so I could finally think for myself.
Thank you for showing me your shrewd, hypocrite side.
Life was never going to be easy, and you made it harder with your unreasonable.
Hopefully, one day, I would walk up to you, shake your hand and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Monday, 7 March 2011



Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Thursday, 24 February 2011

How fast things took a turn in a year.
A change in career path, a change in lifestyle, a total life makeover.
It could have been a spur of moment but I am glad I made the move.
I just don't see myself working for this kind of management.
Hypocritical and manipulative contributes to the worst breed of boss you would ever had.
Sometimes you wonder how people like him survive.
At this level of management, what is exactly in his mind?
Does he really think the world is at his feet?
One day you will wake up and realise that everyone had left.
Maybe then, that will make you to self-reflect.
Only treating people with respect and sincerity will win you their hearts.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

ORD time

The day when you have doubts in the capabilities and the decisions of the management becomes the trigger and the motivation to leave the organisation.
It seems to be a sign, pointing towards the 'exit' door.
However, I'm thankful as it helps me to look back in my life and ponder what exactly do i want my life to be and how i should live it.
Enough of those fake and seemingly encouraging words. Those are nothing from your heart.
I do understand the plans of nurturing me to become one of your recallable slaves.
Just too bad that I am not your 'Yes Sir' type.
Get ready for this bomb shell, you never see it coming from me.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Finally here

It's official 2011!!
The year began with a long weekend and 3 consecutive days of raining.
If that were to meant anything at all.
Despite the downpours, 2011 is a year to look forward to.
A year with big changes and great dreams, at least for me.
I guess I am going to start the year with a bang by saying goodbye to the green.
It was a good 7 years but no qualms about leaving. Just a matter of July or August.
Coming next will be of course, the franchise exhibition in Taiwan.
Simply cannot contain the sense of excitement in me.
I never expect to hit it off on the start but I want to give it a try.
Doing something I always wanted and working for myself.
This is a big step in life and I'm glad I'm going to do it.
It's a risk worth taking, especially in my current situation or no burdens.
I hope for the best and plan for the worse.
There is no turning back now.
My only wish, time could just move a little faster...