Books made me sleepy, i admit. So, I seldom read. Given my lack of reading, i probably should not be the one recommending books. When i first stumbled across this author, i never gave a second look. After reading his first book, i must say, he is really good. I applaud his efforts in writing his books.
Juggling between ficton and non-fiction, his books are so intriguing that it simply can't stop you from reading. You will be sucked into his world of imagination. It was as if you are watching a movie out of a book. That was probably why his books were turned into movies one by one. From his Da Vinci Code to Angels and Demons, the scripts were written in such a pace that there was no time to stop and breathe. Imagine the researches he has to do in just writing a book and on top of that, challenging the theories behind those religions and beliefs. I do not know if he had something against Christianity, perhaps it's a religion with the most controversies and arguments? You sometimes wondered the contents of his books, which are the facts and which are not. Christians would have argued the contents but how much do you know about your religion? Are you just finding a god to believe in or that you hope to go to heaven after believing? It's not about finding the one with the best offers with the best prizes. I mean, seriously, what makes people believe in religions? How do you actually choose your religion? Popularity? Because your friends told you God is great?
Don't misunderstood me here. I'm not being prejudice to religions or dissuade people from believing in one. It was just a mind boggling thought i had recently. Religion has never been my life agenda. Though i was forced to attend many functions by my late mum. Perhaps i would never understand the reason for religion...