Sunday, 8 August 2010

Do not forget

I don't want to one day look back in my life, and regret what i have not done.
The situation may be complicated but the feelings are true.
Somehow, it doesnt't matter what the end brings anymore.
Cherish the present and enjoy every moment of it.
Even if it is going to be an end, it is going to be a happy ending. At least that is what i hope for.
I am going to remember every moment and cherish these memories.
As long as she is happy, doesn't matter if she ends up with me or anyone else.

It's been a long time since i had this feeling.
Something i was searching for during my past failed 2 relationship.
Although this probably not going to end up well, at least it made me realise.
Realise what i really want, what was the lacking ingredient.
Whatever happens, she shall be someone i will not forget...